30 July, 2010

i asked my mum and dad for plastic surgery so i could look like katy perry for my 19th birthday.
i'm now 19 and a half and i do not look like katy perry, FML.
hello special k diet, you're going to kill me.

1 comment:

  1. No offence but I pitty you that not only you're very insecure about your looks but you also beg your parents to pay for your plastic surgery JUST to look like Katy Perry ON your b-day. Girl, you're 19 yrs old. You're old enough to get a job and pay or buy for your own shit so why don't you? Don't be a lazy, spoilt, little princess! Your parents probably got more important things to save their money on like bills so they can live with a roof over their head instead of out in the cold street. GROW UP!
