23 December, 2009

She tied you to her kitchen chair, she broke your throne and cut your hair.

It's official, i'm going to freeze to death before Christmas is even here. Blahhhhh.
Why does it have to be so bloody cold?! I can't actually believe that it's still snowy outside...
I've had the strangest few days, most of it has consisted of me being in bed cos i've been so freezing but yeaaahh...

The other day I went to Cats because she's buggered off to Somerset until the 27th (damn Somerset, it's fine, Mrs C loves me.) and I thought i'd be a nice girl, I decided to take three buses to get there and have some quality time with my iPod.
BUS ONE - 50 bus stop
I was just stood, minding my own business listening to my iPod and some woman walking her dog stops and stands next to me. I take my earphones out and apologise to the woman and as soon as i'd finished speaking, I regretted ever leaving my house; "YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME DO YOU?! I'll let you off though dear as my dog likes being in the snow..." she then went on to tell me about her plans for Christmas, where she had bought her turkey from and how many people she was cooking for on Christmas day...
BUS TWO - 42 bus stop
After seeing quite a few people slip and fall on a big patch of ice, I thought i'd do the nice thing and tell the old lady heading towards the big patch of ice to be careful. Sounds simple yes? Wrong. The woman replied 'Oh its okay dear, you just get my bags and i'll climb over this fence...' I was so shocked I jsut stood there gobsmacked holding the womans bags while she ran round and hauled herself over the fence.
BUS THREE - 43 bus stop
Now, as if my journey so far hadn't been weird enough I was just sat on the bench thingy at the bus stop when this woman comes and sits next to me... It was such a surreal experience but it mainly consisted of the following; Her telling me I shouldn't sit on the cold seat because i'll get piles / Her explaining that she's from Llandudno and has just visited her mum in a home and she'd been given all this cutlery and things like plates with patterened rims / Her trying to give me the cutlery and plates / Her explaining that her daughter took her to 'one of those gay and lesbian get ups in Town' and that the dj was a man dressed as a woman but when he started playing Tom Jones she was the first on the floor because she 'loves her bit of disco' / Her stroking my arm and telling me how much she loved my coat / Her telling me how good she looked (no. just, no.) and that she'd 'NEVER EVEN USED OIL OF OLAY! WOULD YOU BELIEVE?!'... It kind of progressed from there really but i'm not going to lie, I was so happy when the bus came :)

Hmm, what else has happened?
Brittany Murphy died. How weird is that?! She was so pretty and was only 32, saaaad times :/ She was in a few films that I really like (Clueless, 8 Mile, Just Married...) but my favourite was Uptown Girls, i'm not even joking when I say that you should all go and watch it. Now. Go.

Rage Against The Machine got Christmas number one :') I think it's probably one of the most hilarious ways to end 2009 if i'm being perfectly honest. I don't have anything against Joe from Xfactor or anything, or Simon Cowell, I love that man! Fair enough I wanted Olly to win but Joe can sing so fair play to him and all that jazz. I think the thing that gets to me a bit about him (Joe) is that he's sooo easy to forget, I know that's sounds really weird but it's true. I think it's pretty immense how it all started on facebook aswell :')

Nothing else has really been going on... Since coming back home from uni i've been so tired :/ I think everything's starting to catch up with me now. Blaaaah, Pheebo better be okay :'( Blah blah blah.

I went to Stockport with Hayley today which was pretty interesting, nice even considering we don't do much just me and her. I went into my old work, biggest sense of relief when I walked back out of there, Bay Design my arse, I mean, come on?! Really?! Got a blazer, vest top thingy and shirt that's about 48 sizes too big, good days work me thinks.

Came home. Take away with 'rents. Bridget Jones The Edge of Reason (My dad was chuckling along like a right loon I swear!). Glass of wine. Bag of haribo. Owen having a tantrum about not being able to open his Christmas presents. Hayley getting in an hour too late...

Ahh, it's good to be back!!

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