22 December, 2009


I can't believe how fast this year has gone.
I can't believe that in three days it'll be Christmas day.
I can't believe that 2010 is onlyyyyy ten days away.

I'm not going to make out like i'm bothered and stuff because 2009 has probably been the hardest year of my life so far and the sooner 2010 is here, the better. I know I say it every year but it's going to be a new start for me, it has to be. I've decided i'm not getting myself involved in the whole toxic friendship side of like in 2010, i'll be 19 soon and it's simply not worth it anymore. I guess that 2009 has had it's positives aswell as it's negatives, those positives being that i've been tested to the very extreme and I understand now that shit really does happen but when it comes down to it, you just have to drag yourself through it. I understand who actually cares about me now, it's taken quite a bit of time but I think I get it now and it's niiiiice. I've started uni aswell and met some of the most incredible people so yeah... It's not all bad for '09 :)

New years resolutions are going to consist of the following...

- Do the best I can at uni. Goes without saying really.

- Lose some weight. Not had that one on the list for a couple of years now but my god, it's back with a vengence. Hello gym times!

- The whole friendship thingy, basically treat others as they want to be treated, which I try to do anyway but don't, I repeat DO NOT, get hung up when I don't get it back, I mean rrreally Tash, no shocks anymore babeees :)

- Do as many strange things and go to as many strange places as I can. This one means a lot a lot to me. Uni is whizzing past so fast already and i'm not going to lie, it really scares me so i'm determined to grab hold of every opportunity and do with it what I possibly can. Hello Belin!!

- Keep remembering that I am one of the luckiest people around and that I deserve to be happy. Wow, cringefest.

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