29 December, 2009


:')) was going down memory lane a bit before, good tiiiiimes!

"It's always you and me, always and forever."


Chug, chug, chug...

Gaaaah, today was probably the most boring day of my life so far. Fact.

The most exciting thing I did was go and visit my dad's mum in hospital at about 5ish with my mum. I sat there, ate some quality street, discussed how i've been craving alcohol a lot recently (I think my mum's getting a bit scared now) and that was pretty much it. She seems alright though which is the main thing, i'm glad I went. The whole thing involved me getting dressed at about 4.30pm and by 7.00pm I was getting in my pyjamas again, score!

You know what, I doubt it was the most boring day of my entireee life. I (ooh just turned my lamp off with my foot and got a bit scared!) remember once when I was about 4, my mum was in bed, I remember her having a cold or something and my dad was downstairs and I got bored so went to play in my bedroom. I locked myself in with my cat Mitzi and decided to play with my plastic kitchen and Mr Frosty ice cube maker thing. I poured my juice into the ice tray and sat there, with Mitzi, waiting for the plastic kitchen (hello Fisher Price) to freeze my ice cubes. That was a dark day.

As of tomorrow, well, today, this holiday is going to flip right around. Yes, that's right, i've just decided. It's gonna be plans plans plansss. I'm not completely sure how these plans will be funded as I am absolutely broke but we'll work something out, £11 for a bus pass and i'm good to go! I'm seeing Cat tomorrow, we're going to visit Noel and see Nine at the cinema, i'm very excited about both of these things :) I'll have to be careful that I don't like, explode with happiness due to actually being out of the house doing things that could be considered as, dare I say it, fun :) On Wednesday I think i'm seeing Gnome which will be nice cos i'll get to give her one of her Christmas presentsssss. Blah, i'm trying not to think about NYE, no plans for that badboy as of yet, it's fine though, it'll work out, it always does.

Eeeeh, it's all about 2010 now! I had this crazy idea to make a list of crrrazy things to do throughout the year and me and my girls from uni are gonna do it, i'm so excited! We've already decided we're camping in pop up tents ("Oh my god, they're on offer at Argos!" well said Ems!) somewhere on campus, we're making a time capsule, we're going to Berlin... It goes on from that really and I can't wait!

"Drink my beer and smoke my weed, my good friends is all I need, man I love college, I love drinking, I love women, I love drinking. Now if everybody would please, put there drink as high as they can and repeat after me 'Chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug, freshman, freshman, freshman, freshman, freshman..." :'''D
Gone are the days of begging,
The days of theft,
No more gasping for a breath,
The air has filled me head to toe,
I can see the ground far below,
I have this breath and I hold it tight,
I keep it in my chest with all my might...

28 December, 2009

Day Seven:

day 04 → your favourite book
day 05 → your favourite quote

day 06 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 07 → a photo that makes you happy

Bit of a random choice cos it makes me feel sad and nostalgic at the same time as really happy but overall, it's just happiness that comes from this. I think it's because i'm finally in a place where I can be happy with the way things have turned out... I guess it just makes me happy cos I know i'm really lucky and i'm happy with how far i've come and stuff. Gaaaaaaaaaay :)

26 December, 2009

Day Six:

day 04 → your favourite book
day 05 → your favourite quote
day 06 → whatever tickles your fancy

It was Christmas yesterday!!

It's official, I am the crazy cat lady. 24.12.09

Yep, that's me. Blah. Pheebo died :(

I'm not gonna lie, i'm absolutely gutted. He wasn't even one and he came when I found out about the whole twatfuckerwasteofspacedickarsetossergrrrrrrrrrrr stuff and yeah. I found out this morning and was so upset. My mum took me to get my nana and grandad a new kitten today, he's pretty cute. He's called Noel :) Becaussseeeee, it's christmassy and stuff, Noel Gallagher and Noel Edmonds (hello deal or no deal!) when the pet shop people were putting newspaper in his tray they picked some with Noel Edmonds face on, good times. Ahh, can't forget Lous mum aswell, Noeleeeen, Noeleeeeen (8) :D

I've spent all day at my nanas today with her and the new kitty cat which was pretty nice. I kept going on and on about this year being the worst ever (not just cos of Pheebo, just thought i'd slip that in incase you all think i'm on the edge of suicide) and me and my nana ended up having a really indepth conversation about everything and she started going on about how lucky I am to have such nice friends and stuff, it was really nice.

24 December, 2009

Day Five:

day 01 → your favourite song
day 02 → your favourite movie

day 03 → your favourite television program
day 04 → your favourite book
day 05 → your favourite quote

"Everything will be alright in the end and if it's not alright, it's not the end."

"I miss Pheebs."

"We all have guilty pleasures, they keep us sane!"

Well said Florence, yes, yes they do.

This pissing blog!!
Listening to far too much Rod Stewart
Will Young, I'm not even gonna lie, I love the man!
Loose women!
The Jeremy Kyle show.
Talking back at the presenters on This Morning
Not checking my bank balance for aaages cos I know i've been spending too much money then acting shocked when I realise I only have about 51p to my name (Hello Emily :D)
The amount of Jaffa Cakes I can eat in one sitting, it's actually pretty scary.
Simon Cowell, I don't know why
The fact that I prefer Danni over Cheryl on the XFactor, I can't say it though otherwise Nic Nic would disown me
Disney films
Larry Lamb!!!!
The fact that I have quite a few of 'The Rugrats' episodes on my iPod
Pie and ketchup
Mash and ketchup
Mash and branston pickle (thanks Dave Matthews)
The fact that I can eat a lot of branston pickle on it's own
The fact that I can do the same with sweetcorn relish

There's just a few of mine. Scared?!


23 December, 2009

She tied you to her kitchen chair, she broke your throne and cut your hair.

It's official, i'm going to freeze to death before Christmas is even here. Blahhhhh.
Why does it have to be so bloody cold?! I can't actually believe that it's still snowy outside...
I've had the strangest few days, most of it has consisted of me being in bed cos i've been so freezing but yeaaahh...

The other day I went to Cats because she's buggered off to Somerset until the 27th (damn Somerset, it's fine, Mrs C loves me.) and I thought i'd be a nice girl, I decided to take three buses to get there and have some quality time with my iPod.
BUS ONE - 50 bus stop
I was just stood, minding my own business listening to my iPod and some woman walking her dog stops and stands next to me. I take my earphones out and apologise to the woman and as soon as i'd finished speaking, I regretted ever leaving my house; "YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME DO YOU?! I'll let you off though dear as my dog likes being in the snow..." she then went on to tell me about her plans for Christmas, where she had bought her turkey from and how many people she was cooking for on Christmas day...
BUS TWO - 42 bus stop
After seeing quite a few people slip and fall on a big patch of ice, I thought i'd do the nice thing and tell the old lady heading towards the big patch of ice to be careful. Sounds simple yes? Wrong. The woman replied 'Oh its okay dear, you just get my bags and i'll climb over this fence...' I was so shocked I jsut stood there gobsmacked holding the womans bags while she ran round and hauled herself over the fence.
BUS THREE - 43 bus stop
Now, as if my journey so far hadn't been weird enough I was just sat on the bench thingy at the bus stop when this woman comes and sits next to me... It was such a surreal experience but it mainly consisted of the following; Her telling me I shouldn't sit on the cold seat because i'll get piles / Her explaining that she's from Llandudno and has just visited her mum in a home and she'd been given all this cutlery and things like plates with patterened rims / Her trying to give me the cutlery and plates / Her explaining that her daughter took her to 'one of those gay and lesbian get ups in Town' and that the dj was a man dressed as a woman but when he started playing Tom Jones she was the first on the floor because she 'loves her bit of disco' / Her stroking my arm and telling me how much she loved my coat / Her telling me how good she looked (no. just, no.) and that she'd 'NEVER EVEN USED OIL OF OLAY! WOULD YOU BELIEVE?!'... It kind of progressed from there really but i'm not going to lie, I was so happy when the bus came :)

Hmm, what else has happened?
Brittany Murphy died. How weird is that?! She was so pretty and was only 32, saaaad times :/ She was in a few films that I really like (Clueless, 8 Mile, Just Married...) but my favourite was Uptown Girls, i'm not even joking when I say that you should all go and watch it. Now. Go.

Rage Against The Machine got Christmas number one :') I think it's probably one of the most hilarious ways to end 2009 if i'm being perfectly honest. I don't have anything against Joe from Xfactor or anything, or Simon Cowell, I love that man! Fair enough I wanted Olly to win but Joe can sing so fair play to him and all that jazz. I think the thing that gets to me a bit about him (Joe) is that he's sooo easy to forget, I know that's sounds really weird but it's true. I think it's pretty immense how it all started on facebook aswell :')

Nothing else has really been going on... Since coming back home from uni i've been so tired :/ I think everything's starting to catch up with me now. Blaaaah, Pheebo better be okay :'( Blah blah blah.

I went to Stockport with Hayley today which was pretty interesting, nice even considering we don't do much just me and her. I went into my old work, biggest sense of relief when I walked back out of there, Bay Design my arse, I mean, come on?! Really?! Got a blazer, vest top thingy and shirt that's about 48 sizes too big, good days work me thinks.

Came home. Take away with 'rents. Bridget Jones The Edge of Reason (My dad was chuckling along like a right loon I swear!). Glass of wine. Bag of haribo. Owen having a tantrum about not being able to open his Christmas presents. Hayley getting in an hour too late...

Ahh, it's good to be back!!

Day Four:

day 01 → your favourite song
day 02 → your favourite movie
day 03 → your favourite television program
day 04 → your favourite book

One thing I really don't understand is when people are like 'I don't like reading' or 'I don't really read...' I'm always amazed by it, probably because I love reading so much... It's so hard for me to pick one book but it was between this, Fred and Rose and Adrian Mole....

The Time Travelers Wife.

This book rrreally got to me and it's so much better than the film! Usually i'm a really fast reader but this book took me ages to get through, probably because it's so intense. It makes me really think about the way people expect love to be and the way it never ends up being like the expected in the slightest. I'm not sure if that makes sense but that's the thing about this book, it doesn't all have to make sense, it just is, it's like the two main characters, Henry and Clare have been given a really awful situation with him vanishing all the time but because they're so in love they just deal with what's given to them.
Aw, just read it, it's amaaazing.

"Sometimes I'm happy when he's gone, but I'm always happy when he returns."

"I won't ever leave you, even though you're always leaving me."
"We laugh and laugh, and nothing can ever be sad, no one can be lost, or dead, or far away: right now we are here, and nothing can mar our perfection, or steal the joy of this perfect moment."

"There is only one page left to write on. I will fill it with words of only one syllable. I love. I have loved. I will love."

22 December, 2009


I can't believe how fast this year has gone.
I can't believe that in three days it'll be Christmas day.
I can't believe that 2010 is onlyyyyy ten days away.

I'm not going to make out like i'm bothered and stuff because 2009 has probably been the hardest year of my life so far and the sooner 2010 is here, the better. I know I say it every year but it's going to be a new start for me, it has to be. I've decided i'm not getting myself involved in the whole toxic friendship side of like in 2010, i'll be 19 soon and it's simply not worth it anymore. I guess that 2009 has had it's positives aswell as it's negatives, those positives being that i've been tested to the very extreme and I understand now that shit really does happen but when it comes down to it, you just have to drag yourself through it. I understand who actually cares about me now, it's taken quite a bit of time but I think I get it now and it's niiiiice. I've started uni aswell and met some of the most incredible people so yeah... It's not all bad for '09 :)

New years resolutions are going to consist of the following...

- Do the best I can at uni. Goes without saying really.

- Lose some weight. Not had that one on the list for a couple of years now but my god, it's back with a vengence. Hello gym times!

- The whole friendship thingy, basically treat others as they want to be treated, which I try to do anyway but don't, I repeat DO NOT, get hung up when I don't get it back, I mean rrreally Tash, no shocks anymore babeees :)

- Do as many strange things and go to as many strange places as I can. This one means a lot a lot to me. Uni is whizzing past so fast already and i'm not going to lie, it really scares me so i'm determined to grab hold of every opportunity and do with it what I possibly can. Hello Belin!!

- Keep remembering that I am one of the luckiest people around and that I deserve to be happy. Wow, cringefest.

Day Three:

day 01 → your favourite song
day 02 → your favourite movie
day 03 → your favourite television program

21 December, 2009

You get what you want...

With your lucky eyes.

Day two:

day 01 - favourite song
day 02 - favourite movie

Bleh, I have so much hate for the word 'movie'. It's so American, not that there's anything wrong with America or anything, i'm starting to waffle on with myself now but yeah, I just don't like it...

'The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return' - Moulin Rouge

I love looooads of films but Moulin Rouge is my absolute favourite.

I first saw it in the cinema when I was in year 6 and I was so close to walking out cos I just didn't really get it at first, i'm so glad I stayed! Even at the age of what, 11, I was obsessed with it and i've seen it over 200 times. Wow, how cool am I? Baz Luhrmann is the most immense director around so that just adds to whole thing but the actual story is amaaaazing and gets to me every single time.

Ooh ooh andddd Nicole Kidman + Ewan McGregor = <3!!

20 December, 2009


Je veux ton amour
Et je veux ta revanche

Je veux ton amour

So darkness I became...

I found something bloggish, how exciting! I'm going to try and do one each time i'm on, if I can be bothered, some of them are a bit strange (what on earth is a fanfic?!) but yeah....

day 01 → your favourite song
day 02 → your favourite movie
day 03 → your favourite television program
day 04 → your favourite book
day 05 → your favourite quote
day 06 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 07 → a photo that makes you happy
day 08 → a photo that makes you angry/sad
day 09 → a photo you took
day 10 → a photo of you taken over ten years ago
day 11 → a photo of you taken recently
day 12 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 13 → a fictional book
day 14 → a non-fictional book
day 15 → a fanfic
day 16 → a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
day 17 → an art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
day 18 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 19 → a talent of yours
day 20 → a hobbie of yours
day 21 → a recipe
day 22 → a website
day 23 → a YouTube video
day 24 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 25 → your day, in great detail

day 26 → your week, in great detail
day 27 → this month, in great detail
day 28 → this year, in great detail
day 29 → hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
day 30 → whatever tickles your fancy

DAY ONE - favourite song.

Wow. Stuck already.
I'm such a weirdo when it comes to music I swear. My top played on itunes consists offff... Paolo Nutini, Sara Bareilles, Michael Buble, Celineeee, Busted, Courteeners, Good old Whitney, The Smiths... It goes on from there really, everything on my top played kind of means something to me, strange as that sounds. At the minute I am on the biggest Florence + The Machine obsession, it's getting a bit silly really but I can't help it. My favourite album is Lungs by her and when I realised this it was a pretty big deal cos i've never been able to say I love an entire album so much before.
I'm getting a bit off track now... I've got loads of favourite songs because I love it when you can listen to a song and it takes you right back to something so it's forever changing butttt I think my favourite song at the minute is Cosmic Love - Florence + The Machine.
I used to listen to it quite a lot but one day a few weeks ago before I went to see her with Naomi + Shannon, I was listening to it and I had to like, start the song again and I swear, it was like being smacked in the face. It made me feel so strange, as if loads of my feelings were just being dragged out of me one by one. It's probably one of the most intense songs i've ever heard and when I found out what it actually meant it just made me love it so much more...
'The song is a masterpiece. It's about a woman who falls in, apparently, unrequited love with a man. She feels so consumed and overwhelmed by this emotion - blinded by the intensity of it - that she is literally in the dark; totally lost, confused, scared, cannot see the wood for the trees, and also in agony because she believes that he doesn't feel the same way. She decides she has to remove herself from his influence, yet in doing so she finds out that he is in fact in love with her too, so they lose themselves in each other.'
It reminds me of nice nice niceeee stuff < 3

I'll never talk again, you've left me speechless.


Hmm, straaaange.

I read this thing in one of my uni handbook things and next year we've got to do something blog based so I figured i'd get a bit of a headstart... Aw, imagine if I put my other one on? *Dies* Remember the days of diaries?! Good times. I'm going on like I don't have one, I do, Cat's mum got it me for my 18th, it's amazing, it has blue and gold cats on. It's in the top drawer next to my bed at uni, just in case you wanted to go and look at it. Not that you'd want to. Not that I know who 'you' are. Wow, i'm officially insane. Score.

I'm going to shut my face now!

Actually, i'm not at all. This is my beast and if you don't like it then you just shoo off. This will probably be the only normal one of these that I do, everything else is probably going to consist of drunken ramblings, lyric stuff and picture stuff [Note to self, stop saying stuff, idiot!] Things won't get overly personal because that would just be silly but yeah...

Let's see how it goes shall we?

- N x